Hey there, it looks like you’re still here on the site. That’s awesome. And if you are coming back for a second or third time, REALLY, THANK YOU.
If you read through, “Why a clothing brand,” then you started in the right place. If you didn’t, feel free to pause here and go back to read it by clicking on the link.
But, moving forward, we will start featuring ministries that we want to support here, and this is an important one. It’s the whole reason that Cross&Crown even exists.
So, without further ado, cause I think they speak well for themselves: AIM: Agape International Missions.

Modern day slavery, or human trafficking, is more prevalent than many realize.
Women and girls are forced into commercial sex acts for the profit of a trafficker; men and children are coerced into working in hazardous conditions under debt bondage and unfair wages… These are just a few examples of the different types of trafficking that exist in the world today.
AIM is a proven Organization that is doing ral work on the ground in both Cambodia and Belize. I encourage you to help us support them in any new gear we put out for you!
The reality is that the issue of slavery is so much bigger than we think. It is real. It is happening everywhere – even in our own backyards. But we have the unique opportunity to work to END IT.
Go check them out AIM here!