Custom Printed T-Shirts, Hoodies, Hats, Bottles, Mugs, Decor, and More!
Take your faith with you wherever you go. Do it in style, out loud, full of life, and in color! That is Cross&Crown Clothing Co.
Feel free to reach out at any time to see how we might partner together to spread the gospel.
Cross&Crown is anyone who sees life through the biblical lens of picking up their cross daily and walking into the glorious sonship of Christ. it is anyone who wants to proudly proclaim their faith in their every day life to help others to know who Christ is, what he’s done, and how they might be saved too. Cross&Crown is the true followers of Christ.
Cross&Crown is a Faith Based, Gospel-centered Clothing Company that aims to reach culture through the medium of clothing and Design. We will continue to build that out by adding additional products to our store.
To build a business that strives to put faith-based, gospel-centered messages into each and every design we build. We want to do our part to change culture through interesting and exciting designs combined with high-quality products that communicate the message of God’s love, hope, and future for all of the people that trust in Him.
All your favorite styles and clothing
carrying the Word of God
Hi, my name is Aaron. I am the founder and lead designer for Cross & Crown Clothing Co. Cross&Crown has been a long time coming. It has existed in various forms over the years, but has finally been able to pivot into the right position to emerge in this current form. Over the years what I was hoping to do was incorporate my love of design, clothing, and my faith to touch culture in my own personal way. This seemed to be one of the most fun and exciting ways to do it.
As well as making great products that other believers want to wear, I am hoping to create a platform that can be in the position to help others. Whether that’s supporting local ministries or international ministries ones, I want to use a portion of the profits to support others who are bringing the Gospel to the nations.
Aaron Sowma

Read Our Most Popular F.A.Q's
Here are a few F.A.Q’s for you. More will be added as we find out what the most common questions are
Payment should be processed on your end as soon as you check out the cart in the store. Otherwise, the order should be processed within 24-28 hours of your order. If you do not see it go through please contact us for help with your order.
You will receive emails throughout the process. When you make your original order, when the item is is being processed, and when the item is shipped. For any other questions please contact us.
The order should arrive within 5-7 business days of being produced. You will be notified throughout the process.
Any gift card that meets the requirements of our check-out are welcomed to be used on our store. *Most major credit cards are accepted.
A t-shirt orders will be sent out using a t-shirt bag from the Printify manufacturing warehouse. All other items will be packaged via box from the same manufacturing warehouse.
At this time we do not have any loyalty programs. We will look into that for future orders.
Once an order is processed the order may not be changed or edited by the purchaser. Contact us and we will do our best to update, change, or adjust any order details that we can before the item/s are shipped out.
We can cancel your order as long as the order has not been sent to the printers. If the order is cancelled after being sent to the printer then a fee will be charged for the cancellation of the print. Inc certain cases a full refund *may be given. We will address this on a case by case basis.
All items are fulfilled by Printify. From time to time an item may become out of stock or unavailable. WE will work hard to replace that item if we are able to, or run a custom order for you. Note that custom orders come with extra fees that a regular store purchase does not.
We hope to add products to the store every month. If there is a product that you are looking for please contact us and we will see how we can help you get what you are looking for.
Find Our More!
I enjoy both creative and gospel adventures within the context of community. Whether that’s making art together or sharing the gospel together. Here are a few ways you can engage even more with Cross&Crown Clothing Co.